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Living from the Heart: A Metta Daylong

Martin Luther King said, “We must discover the power of love, the redemptive power of love. And when we do that, we will make of this old world a new world. Love is the only way.”

The ancient Buddhist teaching of metta meditation is a training in discovering and harnessing this power of love. The suttas say in practicing metta we familiarize ourselves with this particular quality, we see it’s effect on our own mind and body and how it expands our hearts and minds, overcomes our fears and self doubt and we thereby gain faith and trust in it as a truly trustworthy, helpful and powerful force.  It is a force that can liberate our own minds and the force we need to heal our society.  It is the antidote for divisiveness and hatred.  

Earlier Event: December 3
Metta at Home Weekend Retreat