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Manifestation: 28 Day Challenge

Our minds are powerful creators. When directed, we can use this power to overcome limited thinking, fears and doubts. When we change our thoughts and beliefs, our life changes. In this class you will learn 3 techniques that will help you to gain confidence in yourself and your goals in order for you to intentionally create what you really want.

Support is offered via email over 28 days to help you remember to bring these beneficial practices into your life.

We will meet midway briefly on June 18th and then at the end of the 28 days on July 2nd at noon. These meetings are optional.


“This class was hugely beneficial to me. My days feel effortless and joyful, even in the midst of difficulty.”

“My mind is in a very peaceful place. I notice that the negative voices are simply gone.”

“After implementing the practices from this class, opportunities began to pop up out of no where. I’m taking the class again to deepen these practices.”

“I”m almost shocked that after taking this class, I manifested what I wanted very quickly. I will keep these practices with me for the rest of my life.”

Discounted cost $75

To register: email me at