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Metta 1 or 2 Day Retreat

The Buddha taught his followers that if they wanted something they should put in the causes to make that thing happen.  In the discourse on loving kindness he said, “Here’s what should be done by one who is skilled in goodness and who knows the path of peace….” He then followed with instructions for cultivating lovingkindness.  There is a path to war and there is a path to peace.  Which one will we follow? 

Metta practice helps us to follow the path of peace. It brings peace with in us and helps us to overcome stress and difficult emotions. And it helps us to make clear and wise actions in the world that lead to good things for ourselves and our communities.

Join us for a weekend retreat of loving kindness practice.  The retreat will be practice based alternating between sitting and walking meditation.  You have the option of joining for one day.